See our Web page titled How to Play Pickleball for a complete description and the rules.
The only equipment you need is a paddle, a pickleball (either indoor or outdoor ball depending where you are playing) and a pair of court shoes. You should wear whatever comfortable attire you have for either indoor or outdoor play. Most players wear a t-shirt or similar top and shorts or jogging pants depending on the weather.

Equipment can be purchased at most sporting stores or on-line at any of the many on-line sites. 
As a member of the Club it is mandatory that you are members of Pickleball Canada (PCO) and PickleballBC (PBBC). As a member of PickleballBC your membership will indicate your support for the development of PickleballBC and the overall goals set out. In the near future, as the organizational structure of PickleballBC is solidified and work begins, some of the benefits a player would have with a PICKLEBALLBC membership would include:

1. A PICKLEBALLBC website that captures information from across the province and links to information outside BC
2. Information on places to play across the Province
3. A network of like-minded people across the Province who are prepared to share their knowledge to promote the sport
4. A schedule of provincial tournaments for those that want a more competitive environment
5. Access to introductory clinics for new participants and skills upgrading clinics for existing players
6. Access to programs for the development of coaches, referees and training resources for all levels of play
7. Access to a process of player rating that is consistent across BC
8. Introduction of the game to schools and other organizations
9. Advice on club start up
10. Access to Third Party General Liability & Medical Expense Reimbursement insurance
11. Information on what’s happening across BC
12. Membership in an organization that is focused on the development of the sport with the goal of being a provincially recognized sport organization and the capacity to access provincial sports funding.
13. Membership in an organization that supports and guides municipalities in infrastructure development
14. Membership in an organization that actively encourages tournament infrastructure
15. Membership in an organization interested in making BC a leader in Canadian pickleball
To join the Nanaimo Pickleball Club please go to the new membership page on our website for instructions and important information for new members. ​​​​ 
If you are a Club member you can go to the member list on your member portal and look for members who are rated at the same level as you are - their contact information is provided. All scheduled Club play sessions are divided into two groups - 1) Under 3.0 and 2) 3.0 and above so you will be more likely to play with someone at your skill level.

Another way to find players is to drop-in at one on the many outdoor public facilities where players of all skill levels meet to play. Beaufort Park has 6 courts and will be your best opportunity to find a game. For a list of all the outdoor play areas see our Web page Places to Play. To play at these outdoor facilities you do not have to be a member of the Club.
Just logon to CourtReserve and go to either the calendar or event list and choose the session based on your skill level that you would like go play in. You can also find instructions on the homepage of CourtReserve.
Yes you can but there are restrictions. If you are new to pickleball and have little to no experience you can still join the Club but, you will be restricted from playing until you take the "Orientation to Pickleball" session. For further detail please go to the "New Membership" page, click on "Lessons and Clinics" for any upcoming events.
The current membership cost for New Members is $25.00 for the Club year (Jan 1 to December 31). The cost for Renewing members who renew for the following year is $12.50 if you renew between Dec 1 to Dec 31 and $25.00 if renew after after Dec 31st.
Currently the new membership rate is at a discounted 50% if you join the Club on or after October 1 and your membership will be good until Dec 31 of that year.
For renewing members, if you renew your membership between Dec 1 and Dec 31 then the current rate is $12.50. If you renew after Dec 31 the rate is $25 for that year.
You can look on our website to see what lessons are currently being offered on the page lessons and clinics. You can also google pickleball lessons as there are many individuals who offer private lessons.
The Club currently an age restriction minimum of 16 years, but our membership is mostly adults many of whom are Seniors 55+. There would be limited play with someone their age.
Yes, you can play as a guest. However, you need to also be a current member of Pickleball Canada and have experience playing pickleball. The guest membership costs $5 and is valid for 37 days from the date of purchase. 
Please see our web page for Places to Play. To play at any Club sessions you have to be a member but the outdoor facilities are free and you don't have to be a Club member.
If you can't find your Pickleball Canada (PCO) then just logon to your PCO account and click on My Profile to find your PCO number.
You can find a listing on the Club's play sessions on our web page for "Scheduled Play Session" or on the "Calendar".
Just go to our web page titled Tournaments for a complete list of tournaments on the Mainland and Vancouver Island as well as tournaments outside of BC.
The Club is a non-profit organization run by volunteers and we have no business address or phone number. To reach an Executive member of the Club go to the Contact US page on the website and complete and submit your question there or email the Club directly at Someone will get back to you in a few business days.
For a summary on the insurance benefits please click on the following link. ​Pickleball Canada Insurance​​​